The Goodness of God


This is an amazing journey that I’m on. I’m an Air Force Vet and former financial guy, turned author, turned radio show host, podcaster, speaker and documentary film maker with my friend Steve Quayle and GenSix Productions. Oh, and I also help people with side projects in ghostwriting and creative consulting. I would have never imagined the career that I get to lead, and I am so grateful to the Lord for making it all possible. Although it hasn’t always been easy.


Truth is an interesting thing. If you tell too much Truth, or hit a little too close to home, people, governments, and little three letter agencies can get upset at you. But Truth is Truth and the Lord has given me the mission of telling the Truth, regardless of how hard it may be to swallow. That includes Truth from around the world and also Truth from the Bible. And that is what “Not Shaken” is all about. Looking at the world in an honest, biblically minded way and not being frightened by what we might find.


The Father has given me many things to say and talk about and this platform is designed to give you, the listeners, the information that you need to face the days in which we are living. I post at least a couple of podcasts a week, about the news and various spiritual truths that the Holy Spirit has given me. Whenever the need arises, I also try to do live podcasts on unfolding events. I will have special guests on from time to time.


I encourage you to be part of our community and to share in the Truth that God has revealed to us both in His Word and in the world around us.


“Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.” Ephesians 6:13

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